Currently I am working on a two books my new sustainable living book and a revision of my How Clean is Your River due to some recent legislation changes.

Isn't that a beautiful flower? And no I did not pick it - it had fallen from the tree and I picked it up had my husband take the photo and returned it to the ground. The picture was taken in the Nelspruit Botanic Garden in South Africa.
But back to the blog topic - as I said I am currently writing the two books above.
I like to work on more than one thing at once so that I can develop ideas - ruminate on how I am going to say things or delve into more research.
Just a bit on the work going on for each book.
The revision to How Clean is Your River has three main aims:
To add three new chapters specifically about chemical pollution. This has been driven by changes to Water Directive which has updated the list of chemicals that needs to be removed from drinking water.
To make the format more of a handbook
To make it into suitable for a paper copy.
The Growing Life - The Sustainable You
Is still very much in the writing phase. And will appear later in 2021. The book looks at the series of choices we can each make to make life more sustainable.